We breed hinds and stags that will improve your herds' velvet and venison production.

We also have a separate herd bred specifically for trophy stags.

Welcome to Raroa Red Deer

We are continually improving our herd with new sires and hinds. The hinds complement our very good sire group and reflect our emphasis on Velvet and Trophy Stags. They are producing top level velvet performance in both male and from female progeny.

Our venison breeding program is based around our sire stags and breeding hinds with proven exceptional weight gains through to 15 months with a good velvet base. There progeny are consistently producing similar genetics

There are 30+ years of performance selection within our hind herd. We introduce 65 yearling hinds each year (approx.20% of the herd) which creates a very high selection pressure.

Our History

Raroa Deer Farm is an impressive family-owned property set in the rich farming countryside of Cambridge, in the heart of the Waikato region. Comprising 300 ha, this flat to rolling hill country deer farm is located just 12km from Cambridge on the banks of the Waikato River.

We farm approximately 1050 stags and 350 hinds.

The farm’s primary focus is  velvet production, selling stud and trophy animals to commercial velvet and venison deer farmers and hunting  lodges. Cattle finishing complements farm operations with two trades each year.

Raroa Deer Farm was established in 1987 by John and Dorothy Carter .

Over the years we have bought top Warnham stags, Cambridge by Terry, Joseph and Jasper by Jonathon and Horsham by Ramasses. Joseph and Horsham were both out of Rose one of the most influential Warnham hinds. Esterhazy and full brother Ladro by Heinrich joined the Eastern group and Furzeland bloodlines were introduced through Saxon and Lester by Romulus and Hastings and Howard from Peel Forest. Goldie by Lotto was also bought and his 5.37kg of velvet at 2 is probably still a NZ record. Josh by Toray who was by Laszlo was also introduced. We also have sire stags from Netherdale and Peel Forest

Quality fully recorded hinds are a key component to a stud’s performance. We are one of the larger studs with 300-350 meticulously recorded hinds calving each year.

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